A New Year and if you are like me it feels like the year ahead if full of promise. But why do we wait for the New Year to feel like this?

Every new month could have the same feeling if you start looking at your business in a slightly different way. It isn’t hard to tweek your business a little each month rather than waiting until a New Year to do something BIG!!!

But thats the beauty of having your own business…. you make the rules… you make the changes and if it doesn’t work this time, the next tweek could bring just what you were looking for.

I’ve toyed with bringing in 1:1 coaching but it just sat there as an idea until out of the blue someone requested it. Well of course I was up for it… and I have to tell you I absolutely loved it. So my new addition to my business for January is to offer more 1:1 spaces.

So maybe the title of this should be Happy New Month ….

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