I think I’ve been having too much fun with my new offer… Solely Business Monthly Membership. I decided to incorporate an image gallery into the membership.

I’ve always loved making things, as a child, a very messy child I was always into crafting. As an adult I’ve incorporated my love of craft into a sideline business. And now I can enjoy a different type of crafting within my membership.

How many times do we find ourselves staring at a blank screen? We know we have to post something but what do we post? How will what I eventually post stand out amongst the huge amount of content that could be infront of my ideal client?

My done for you images will not only stand out for you but it will also give you a hint of what to post with the included text. There is also the option of the photo with no text.

So what are you waiting for… You’ll find the sign up to the membership on my home page….



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