How much of a priority is exercise in your working week?

How much of a priority is exercise for you in your week? When I was offering house visits, I would have more steps in than in clinic but it was nowhere near enough. I used to teach keep fit when I was in my 20’s before the kiddies arrived and over the years I would...

Time To Get Your Feet Wet

Over the years I've heard newly qualified practitioners struggling to take that first step into self employment. I agree especially in this day and age of cost of living crisis, it's a worry. But turning it on its head have you thought about this extra earning...


2023 has brought a new way of working for me.... Semi Retirement... Its been a long time coming, but if the changes hadn't happened with the government changing the goal posts I would already have been retired. The new working arrangement is three weeks work and three...

And all of a sudden Christmas is over….

It's the same every year, we rush around like headless chickens to get everything done then you blink and its all over! I do love family time but as the years go on the family moves away or we lose loved ones so its never like I remember past Christmas celebrations. I...


As I'm off soon to have a celebration holiday with my husband who has retired this year, I've suspended any new applications for the monthly membership course and the more bespoke three month course. When we get back there will be a wait list started for the New Year....

Feeling Refreshed And Ready For Business

Can it really be three years since we've been out of the UK?  Just back from a mini cruise from Southamton to Amsterdam. Can you believe I didn't want to fly just in case we caught Covid... Just to catch Covid as soon as hubby retired!! After reading the chaos around...

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